Autism paraprofessional training?

Teachers. Supervisors. Did you know that many schools do not have enough Autism paraprofessional training?

It’s difficult because a typical classroom will have new students, new staff and new parents who all need to adjust to the new school year.

Helping new staff and parents get on board with classroom visual strategies is critical for settling in.


The Visual Strategies Workshop 

This DVD program is a “must have” for your lending library.

It will help new staff and new families get oriented to what you do.

Having them watch this DVD program will save you time as you teach them about your classroom visual communication system.

Check out these sample clips from the
Visual Strategies Workshop


Get your copy
Visual Strategies Workshop DVD Program




Seriously . . . this is a “no-brainer” to add to your lending library.

This popular program has helped so many people grasp what Visual Strategies are all about and why the students need them.

It’s a “must have” for your library.

P.S. Here’s what Speech Therapist, Linda Watt, said. . .
I love your Visual Strategies Workshop DVD Program.
We have a library to lend teachers, paraprofessionals and parents educational resources.
Your series is the most popular item on our list. . .
We recently included your videos in our paraprofessional training. They loved you!

P.P.S. It’s an important training tool. Did you know the Autism Society of America gave the Visual Strategies Workshop it “Excellence in Media” Award?




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