Do you have some favorite quotes about autism? Perhaps you read something that just made sense to you in a way that transformed your understanding of autism or the way you respond to a student.
The book Visual Strategies for Improving Communication is full of those statements. Here are some examples . . .
The majority of these students are VISUAL learners. That means they understand what they SEE better than what they HEAR.
If you are a COMMUNICATION PARTNER with them (your autistic students) you MUST understand some important basic information about communication that will transform your relationship with those autistic individuals who are in your care.
More quotes about autism and visual strategies
It’s important to presume these students can learn. Our responsibility is to learn how to teach them most effectively. As communication partners, we recognize that WE have a need to change what WE do so our students can change what THEY do.
Communication is more than “just talking.” Visual strategies become a powerful addition to our “communication system.”
Many people use a few visual tools: few people use many.
The visuals help students follow the routine the same way each time so they will learn to accomplish the whole routine. But the visuals also help the staff teach the routines the same way each time. It’s not unusual for one staff member to teach a skill one way and another staff person to teach the routine a different way.
Testimonial from autism teacher and parent of neurodiverse child
WOW….WOW…WOW…. are the words that come to my mind when I realize the truth behind “Visual Strategies”..
Life as we know it is CRAZY and the only way to stay organized is to use “VISUAL STRATEGIES.”
The effectiveness and organization that we all “appear” to have is something that is a necessity for children like my son with ADHD & Asperger’s.
You had mentioned that great early elementary teachers use visual strategies like photos, calendars, footprints and arrows along with timers and gentle reminders for routine tasks.
As our children enter 3rd & 4th grade, these visual signs often disappear and we unfortunately ASSUME that they will remember what to do!
What a shame because as an adult, I MUST have organization, calendars, computer reminders, alarm clocks and Post-It Notes to remember what to do and when.
Danita M. Luzadder
Visual Strategies for autism
It's important to remember than a lot of the use of visual strategies originated while working with autistc students. But the use of these strategies works extremely well in classrooms for many students with a variety of special learning needs.
Visuals are expecially helpful for students who are dealing with communication or behavior difficulties.
Do you have a quote about autism and visual strategies that is meaningful for you?
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