Untangling Autism

Untangling Autism: How to Parent Your Neurodiverse Child in a Neurotypical World is a new book to help parents better understand the needs of their autistic children.

From Untangling Autism:

We’re focusing on children (of all ages), who are trying to exist in a world that doesn’t understand them very well, guided by caregivers who are desperately trying to find solutions for problems that are not easily defined.

 Available on Amazon 
or Kindle

Untangling Autism
How to Parent Your Neurodiverse Child in a Neurotypical World

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A little bit of history . . .

In the 1970s I started a very long journey of exploring and learning about “untangling” the “secrets” of autism.

Over the years, I’ve supported many thousands of autistic students and their families in multiple countries around the world.

Each of those students and their educators and families taught me something important about communication, learning strengths, sensory issues, and so much more.

Autism topics included in Untangling Autism

  • How does autism affect participation in life activities?
  • What does it mean to be a communication partner?
  • What are autism communication challenges?
  • How to find hidden communication strengths.
  • Where do you find simple tools to help individuals gain success?
  • How can hidden sensory needs fool us?
  • What is an uneven learning profile in autism?
  • What does “presume competence” really mean?
  • How does “neurodiversity” affect those with autism?
  • How can discovering strengths and interests lead to solutions?
  • Why should you be aware of possible invisible co-occurring needs?

The subtitle is important

There’s an addition to each chapter with some additional comments targeted to parent needs.

If you are a parent, this book is for you. It will help you sort through the “noise” about ASD and focus on some key, core areas to help your child.

If you are an educator (teacher, parapro, SLP, OT or any other support positions) Untangling Autism will provide a frame for working with your students and their families.

Available on Amazon



Untangling Autism

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