Autism Courses

 Autism Courses Online

Are you looking for:

  • autism courses
  • available online
  • that you can access right away  
  • view on your own personal time schedule?

Then you have found the right place!

These courses focus on identifying specific learning needs of autistic students. They highlight methods of supporting students and provide lots of examples of visual tools and how to use them for student success.

These courses are designed to provide you with quick learning to help you implement important tools and strategies to help you and your students gain success.

Course participants have included SLPs, classroom teachers, aides & paraprofessionals, therapists (OT, PT, ABA, etc), support staff (Psychologist, Social Worker, Counselor, etc.), parents and administration.

Courses range in length, from 1 hour to 6+ hours of training.

You will receive a Certificate of Completion to download when you complete your course.

Hurry to register for your courses now so you can complete them before your continuing education deadlines.

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