Parenting Essentials for Autism

Happy lady


Parenting Essentials for Autism

Parenting Essemtials for Autism

Product Type : Webinar – Online

Details: Over 6 hours of training

Price : $



PLUS . . . .

You will receive 3 FREE BONUSES . . . .

Bonus #1 Handout

You will receive a handout that includes the slides from all of the modules in the program.

Bonus #2 Transcript

A complete transcript from all of the programs will be available for you.

These bonuses will help you match your own personal learning style for this program.

Bonus #3 Student Operating Manual

Each child with an ASD diagnosis has different needs. This tool will help you summarize what you have learned in this course about your child and identify special needs to be addressed. It's a great tool to share with teachers, therapists, baby sitters and others in your child's life.



Have you ever felt confused, unsure or just plain exhausted trying to deal with those day-to-day Autism parenting challenges?

This program specifically targets needs of parents of children with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) or related special learning challenges.

The webinar series includes a variety of topics that address some of the most commonly asked questions that parents ask as they unravel the mysteries of ASD. The answers provide a framework for understanding how to help their children with autism.

The sessions guide parents to understand their child's unique needs and discover simple solutions that REALLY work to help their children achieve success.

Do you find yourself searching the WEB with a lot of questions and discovering confusing answers?

You can find a lot of what I call “Swiss Cheese” information out there. . . 

Yes . . . Understanding Autism is a bit like “Swiss Cheese.”  

Most people learn their autism information in pieces and chunks with a lot of holes in between.

In addition, there is a lot of newer, more current information that needs to replace some of the older misinformation that still circulates about ASD.

This course addresses key topics that are often misunderstood or not completely explained to help parents support their children and provide 

Here's what's included in Parenting Essentials for Autism

1- Getting Started

2 - A Little Short Course: What is Autism? (Addressing common                  misunderstandings)

3 - Discovering Your Child’s Learning Strengths & Challenges

  • What is an Uneven Learning Profile?
  • What is the Social Connection?
  • Communication is More Than Speech
  • Sensory Processing
  • Insistence on Sameness
  • Interests and Passions
  • Your Child's Profile
  • Medical Conditions

4 - Making Communication Work Better

5 - Success Stories

6 - How to Create Your Autism Toolbox

7 - Now What?

This program has 14 short modules with a total of over 6 hours of training. Modules are recorded to provide the opportunity to view conveniently on your own time schedule.

Note from Linda Hodgdon:  The information in this course is based on the questions and needs of the educators and parents I have been consulting with for over 40 years. Here's just one comment from an autism Mom . . .

"You have impacted my life in so many ways . . .
You taught me so much and have helped me tremendously in understanding and communicating with my son, Matthew. I really can’t tell you how much it has meant to me."
Leslie, Mom 

Have you been confident dealing with all those surprises and unexpected autism situations in your home?  GET THIS COURSE NOW to give you strategies to achieve autism success in your family.